Siiri Murto-Ryhänen
Ryhmäliikunnan ohjaaja – Group TrainingHi ya'll 🦄
My name is Siiri and I work as a group fitness instructor at Fitness24Seven. My journey as an instructor started all the way back in 2013 but I moved to Fitness24Seven in 2018. And right then and there I realized this is an awesome place to develop oneself and get to know amazing people that you work with.
My typical work day could include several group fitness classes (typically I instruct 2-3 classes in a row). My "bad habit" is going to the gym waaay too early before my classes as I want to prepare in peace. I usually like to go through my tracks and choreographys at least once. I also feel like stretching and foamrolling to warm up the body and mind for the upcoming classes. For me it is crucial to be on time and go to the group fitness room as soon as I can. If the customers have any questions or feedback, I'm there for them.
I could say I'm specialized in Les Mills programs as I instruct BodyAttack, BodyBalance, BodyCombat, BodyJam, BodyPump and Les Mills Core (also Les Mills GRIT and The Trip but they don't run currently at Fitness24Seven) and work as an Instructor Coach for LesMills Nordic. As an Instructor Coach my role is to help other instructors if they have any questions or struggles relating to Les Mills programs or instructing.
Additionally, I have a vast background of instructing different freestyle classes from Iisi Startti and ABT to various cycling classes. I think it's amazing that Fitness24Seven offers the instructors the chance to develop themselves and go to different educations. Fitness24Seven's own concepts are also a great way to learn new dimensions of group fitness.
Honestly, I think being a group fitness instructor is the BEST JOB IN THE WHOLE WORLD! It is my purpose and biggest passion. I want to change the world one person at a time to show the greatness of group fitness and help everyone to find the best way to move and enjoy physical activity. Join my classes to share the sweats and good vibes together!